James (Poppa) and Louann Knight
This couple visited our home, bringing a precious gift of a hand-printed Esther Scroll, which we deeply cherish. They've attended our events and left a lasting impression with their kindness and warmth.
This couple came to our home a few years ago. I remember exactly where he was sitting. Such a sweet man and a lovely wife. They have been to several of our events in Granbury and Keller. A few weeks after our initial meeting, he called and asked if they could stop by to give me something. My response was, "of course!". That something was the beautiful hand-printed Esther Scroll that I detailed under Rusty Maisel's name. Never have I or we been given such a costly and beautiful gift. We certainly didn't deserve it, but we cherish it. They are two of the nicest people you will ever meet.