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Gidon Ariel

Gidon, a cherished friend, has pioneered Root-Source, fostering Jewish-Christian dialogue and understanding. His remarkable ability to connect with people has led to meaningful relationships and impactful study opportunities.

Gidon Ariel

I have the warmest feelings when I think of our good friend Gidon. He is family also. He has been to The Blessing many times. He is the best connector I know. He has the ability to schmooze like none other! He is just comfortable with everyone. People love him. I love him. His idea of Root-Source was a pioneering effort along with Bob Odell. He has put authentic, knowledgable, and loving Jewish teachers together with "curious" pro-Israel Christians, Christians who have begun to wonder about the roots of their Christian faith. Gidon's heart was dedicated to promoting respectful relationships between Christians and Jews. Eventually, Root-Source was born. Just a few years ago, the idea of Jews and Christians studying together to concentrate on the Hebrew Scripture and Jewish Wisdom would have been impossible and unimaginable. Gidon is a true pioneer. Initially, it seemed he was tilling the rockiest ground with a wooden shovel, but with his persistence, Root-Source has grown by leaps and bounds.



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