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David Wilder

David Wilder, former English Spokesperson for the Jewish Community of Hebron, has been a pivotal figure in my journey in Jewish-Christian relations. His wisdom and guidance have been invaluable, shaping my understanding and love for Hebron and its history.

David Wilder

God has sent me many Divine Appointments, but this man stands at the top of the list. About David, and his wife Ora, I could write a book. One of my most treasured memories was spending Chayai Sarah with them in their home. My room had a bullet hole through the wall that they later creatively used to run a wire to the outside. His library had books with bullet holes in them. He was the English Spokesperson for the Jewish Community of Hebron for 22 years, 22 years very difficult years for Hebron He imparted in my heart not only a love for Hebron but also the history of what this ancient city has gone through. Because I was with Religious Zionists, we always were in Hebron for Chayai Sarah. On a whim, in recent years, I looked up what Parshat section I was born under in 1948. To my amazement, I was actually born on a Shabbat /Chayai Sarah. At the beginning of my journey in Jewish-Christian relations, I cannot tell you how alone I felt. However, God sent me David Wilder, who became my first Jewish mentor.



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